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DOTA2 6.82更新详解 肉山移位英雄大改动(21)
2014-09-24 18:21  电玩巴士    我要评论()

DOTA2 6.82改动日志之伤害类型调整


few abilities and damage type mechanics have been reworked. There are now three primary damage types and a Spell Immunity Piercing status with each. Each ability now carries a notation in the tooltip indicating these.

The three damage types are Physical, Magical and Pure.

Physical is affected by Physical Armor, Magical is affected by Magical Damage Resistance and Pure is affected by neither.

Magic Immunity has now been renamed to Spell Immunity. Spell Immunity only defines if Spells interact with it, not how damage itself is handled. This means that on its own Spell Immunity status does not reduce any damage.

Black King Bar, Repel, Rage and all other previous forms of "Magic Immunity" now grant Spell Immunity status and a 100% Magic Resistance bonus.

In the vast majority of cases, the interactions are still the same, however an example of a case that would be different is if an ability has both Spell Immunity exception and has Pure damage type. Previously the damage would not have any impact, however now it does.

Ability Tooltips now have these fields:

however an example of a case that would be different is if an ability has both Spell Immunity exception and has Pure damage type. Previously the damage would not have any impact, however now it does.

Ability Tooltips now have these fields:

-Damage Type: Physical/Magical/Pure

-Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes/No

If the Damage Type is not Magical it will be colored differently to make it easier to notice. The same is true in cases where Pierces Spell Immunity is Yes.

There have been a few abilities rebalanced with these mechanics in mind. In some cases the intent is to maintain similar balance, in other cases as an adjustment to their balance.


三种伤害类型分别是 物理,魔法和纯粹伤害。

物理伤害 受护甲影响,魔法伤害受魔抗影响,而纯粹伤害不受任何影响。


BKB,驱逐,以及狂暴等 其他以前 魔法免疫 现在均替换为 技能免疫和100%魔法抗性。

在大多数情况下, 这种机制的效果仍然与以前相同,但有一种情况下,如果一个技能既有无视魔法免疫,又是纯粹伤害,那么这个技能现在将受到影响。



-能否穿透技能免疫 能/不能




Acid Spray damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)

Acid Spray damage reduced from 14/20/26/32 to 12/16/20/24

酸雾 的伤害类型从混合 调整为物理(并且穿透技能免疫)

酸雾的伤害 从14/20/26/32 平衡为 12/16/20/24


Nightmare damage from HP Removal to Pure

噩梦的伤害类型从生命移除 改为纯粹


Wild Axes damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)

Wild Axes damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 70/100/130/160

飞斧的 伤害类型 从混合改为物理(并且穿透技能免疫)

飞斧的 伤害 从 90/120/150/180 调整为70/100/130/160


关键词: DOTA2







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